Memperbaiki Mixer Adonan Roti

Pada kehidupan kita sehari-hari, kita tidak lepas akan perlatan-peralatan yang berhubungan dengan listrik. Misalnya saja : TV, radio, VCD, handphone, mixer, kompoer listrik, lampu neon dan lain-lain. Karena perlatan tersebut kita pakai setiap hari maka masalah dapat saja muncul setelah peralaatn listrik tersebut sudah sering atau lama dipakai. Barang apapun namanya, pada suatu saat pasti rusak, lebih-lebih lagi jika cara penggunaannya kurang tepat, tentu mempercepat rusaknya peralatan. Pada umumnya kita hanya bisa  menggunakan tapi kurang dapat melakukan perwatan apalagi perbaikan jika ada kerusakan. Perawatan dan atau perbaikan sudah diluar jangkauan kemampuan kita. 

Sehingga kalau kita mendapati barang tersebut rusak maka kita pasti terhambat aktivitas kita. Berikut ini saya akan berbagi pengetahuan tentang perbaikan mixer adonan roti. Kebetulan mixer milik saya ini kemarin mati secara tiba-tiba.

Saya mencoba membongkar mixer tersebut. Kerusakan umum yang sering terjadi adalah :
1. Mesin bunyi berputar tapi besi pengaduk tidak berputar.
2. Mati total, ga mau berputar.

Pada kerusakan yang pertama , itu terjadi karena gear sudah aus dan mesti kita ganti dengan yang baru, tinggal dilepas gear tersebut , bawa ke toko elektronik , beli yang jenis dan seukuran  sama. Kemudian pasang di mixer, pasti masalah teratasi.

Pada kerusakan yang kedua , ada beberapa penyebab :
- kumparan terbakar  ------  bawa aja ke tukang servis karena kerusakan ini parah
- ada bagian kabel yang terputus ------ periksa menggunakan avo meter
- bagian "brostel" sudah aus ------ beli di toko elektronik ada banyak

Baiklah semoga cukup membantu, Salam


Simple Forex Strategy

Pivot points provide good reference points at which to enter or exit trades as well as give an indication of the market bias.

Simply get the High, Low, Close, Open figures from the daily chart by checking the previous day's candle values and enter them into the calculator.
You can then draw horizontal lines on your chart marking the Central Pivot Point and then the other reference levels such as S1, S2, R1, R2 (S for support, R for resistance).

When pivot point trading it is also a good idea to put the mid reference points in also, M1, M2, M3, and M4 as price often will respect these levels.

The Indicators You Need For The Setup

It is good to have the 15 minute, 60 minute, and 4 hour charts displayed. After marking the pivot point levels on your 15 minute chart, also show the following on the three time frames:

-> The 200 EMA (Exponential Moving Average)

-> Do Fibonacci calculations on the most significant highs and lows on the three time frames

->Mark significant previous support and resistance on the 60 minute and 4 hour charts with a horizontal line

Time Of Day

Look for this setup around two time periods:

- London Open (07:00 GMT)
- London Close (15:00 GMT)
The Asian session does not generally cause price to make new highs or lows. Trading orders and flows build up after the open of the European session in Frankfurt and take on new momentum once London opens an hour later.
Similarly, price action often slows considerably around the time of London closing.

Look For This Setup At London Open

Check to see if price is anywhere near M4 or M3 on the upside or M1 or M2 on the downside on your 15 minute chart.
Next consult your higher time frames, the 60 minute and 4 hour to see if any of those M levels coincide with a Fibonacci retracement or extension level, or the 200 EMA, or a previous support resistance line.
If you get a combination of those factors, there is a high probability price will test the M levels and then reverse and go in the opposite direction for the day.

Of course, nothing is guaranteed but the more factors you have coinciding at a specific level around a pivot point, the more likely price will react at that point.

Check to see where a 20-30 stop will put you and whether there are other levels of support and resistance nearby to offer protection and start taking profit as price approaches the other pivot levels either on the way up or on the way down.

Remember, pivot point trading suggests that when price is around M4 or M3 you are in a sell area and when price is around M1 or M2 you are in a buy area.

Look For This Setup At London Close

Now we come to the other end of the trading day which also lends itself to pivot point trading.

Often price will have done its run for the day by the time of London close and a retracement can be expected. However, you need to consider other factors.

Again check to see if price has reached a key level by the end of London close. This level could be around a pivot point which also coincides with your other indicators:

  • 200 EMA
  • Fibonacci retracement extension levels
  • Previous strong support or resistance

Next check your Average True Range indicator for the last 5 or 10 days and see what kind of range price has been moving in. This will vary according to the currency pair. The EUR/USD cross for example often puts in between 76 and 100 pips per day.

Now check the range of the current day's trading. Has it equalled or exceeded the average range for the last few days?

If so, and if price is at a strategic pivot point which also matches with other indicators, you can enter a high probability trade and catch between 20 and 30 pips on the retracement.

These two pivot point trading strategies occur with surprising frequency a number of times a month.
Practice these methods, get your eyes used to looking for the combination factors surrounding pivot points, and trade with confidence.

Most definitely add pivot point trading to your list of trading strategies!

For a free pivot point calculator, Fibonacci calculator and the best free economic calendars vitalstop. com/Forex/tools. html . The powerful 200 EMA strategy - easy for newer traders vitalstop. com/Forex/Advisor/200EMA-
forex-strategy. htm. Do you know the important lesson Mohammed Ali teaches us about Forex trading? Read it here vitalstop. com/Forex/Advisor/forex-online-trading-mohammed-ali. htm

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100% Free Trend Indicator with buy sell points and entry filter Indicator


There are 2 steps to take signals via this indicator.

    Step 1: See the zero line. It consists of either Red dot or Green dot. If it is Green dot, it’s time to take action. Now, action (buy or sell) has been defined in step 2 below. If it’s Red dot, do nothing and stay away. Just hold your position.

    Step 2: If you see Green dot in zero line, it’s time to either Buy or Sell. For that, see the histogram lines, which are either on above zero line (blue lines) or below zero lines (red lines). Just buy on blue histogram and sell on red histogram.

In a summary, take long position when you see green dot on zero line AND blue histogram lines.

And sell your position, when you see green dot on zero line AND red histogram lines.

Timeframes: m15, m30, h1, h4


Cara Melipat Gandakan Penghasilan Pada Adf(dot)ly

Pastinya anda juga termasuk orang yang tertarik untuk melipat gandakan penghasilan pada penyedia layanan adf(dot)ly, baiklah langsung to the point aja :
1. Anda harus punya akun adf(dot)ly terlebih dahulu.
2. Juga yang harus anda miliki blog atau website yang anda monetize.
3. Sediakan file yang laris dicari oleh netter, contoh : "E-Book Panduan Bikin Blog".
4. Upload file tersebut di layanan hosting gratis, contoh : mediafire(dot)com.
5. Copy link lokasi file tersebut dari mediafire(dot)com.
6. Sediakan halaman khusus (landing page) untuk petunjuk download file tersebut
7. Bikin posting yang membahas topik yang dimaksud , yaitu tentang cara bikin blog misalnya yang di dalamnya terdapat link untuk mendownload, dimana link tersebut sudah diubah menggunakan adf(dot)ly.

Trend Linear Reg Indicator

Trend Linear Reg indicator it is 100% FREE
Easy to use great early signals,

Which the colour indicates :
Green - BUY,
Red dot - SELL.(when the indicator changes color..)

How a trend changes? How to determine a flat? How to trade? ... etc.
This indicator will help to answer these questions.

If you assume that the trend within N bars is a straight
line you can calculate the parameters of that line.

You know the equation of the straight line from the school,
it is y = bx + ?. The inclination of the line is
characterized by the "b" coefficient or tangent of the angle of slope.
The indicator calculates this parameter using the linear regression on
every bar and display it in a separate window.

If the color is green it means
that the value is greater than the previous one, i.e. the angle of slope increases,
the red color means the opposite.

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